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Configuration structure

All configuration options defined in one YAML file, ex config.yaml, that has some sections, represented below.


Settings for a HTTP server of Prometheus endpoint

  bind_address: ''
  port: 8800
  refresh_time: 20

bind address - Ipv4 or DSN for binding http server with metrics

port - Port for http server

refresh_time (seconds) - Time of updating data in prometheus endpoint. This is independent from collectors of these metrics


Global settings for metric collectors

  unit: 'ms'

unit - Unit of Round-Trip-Time (RTT) in collected metrics


Settings of simplesla-local device for ICMP checks

  src_addr: '' 
  timeout: 1
  ttl: 64
  size: 56

src_addr - Source address for ICMP requests from SimpleSLA

timeout (seconds) - Timeout for ICMP requests

ttl - TTL for outgoing packets

size (bytes) - Payload size of ICMP packets


List of registered devices

  - name: 'my_device'
    type: 'cisco'
    transport: 'ssh'
    address: ''
    username: 'user'
    password: 'password'
    port: 22

name - Unique name of device, using in metric`s labels

type - Type of device, see full list of supported devices here

transport - protocol to connect to the device, ssh and telnet are supported now

address - IPv4 or DSN of the device

username - Username to login to the device

password - Password for the account

port - Port number for connection


List of policies to define status of service

  - name: mypolicy
    max_rtt: 0.15

name - Unique name of the policy

max_rtt - Max value of RTT to change service status


List of single services for metric collection

  - name: 'my_service01'
    device: 'simplesla-local'
    target: ''
    delay: 3
    policy: mypolicy
  - name: 'my_service02'
    device: 'my_device'
    target: ''
    delay: 7

name - Unique name of the service, using on metric`s labels

device - Name of the source device. Device MUST be defined in Devices section

target - IPv4 or DSN as a destionation for checks

delay (seconds) - Pause between checking sessions

policy (OPTIONAL) - If using, MUST be defined in Policies section


  - name: mygroup
    device: 'my_device'
    delay: 3
    policy: mypolicy
      - name: serv1
        target: ''
        policy: mypolicy
      - name: serv2
        target: ''
        delay: 3

name - Unique name of service group

device - Device for all sub services

delay (seconds) - Delay for all sub services

policy - Policy for all sub services

services - List of sub services. delay and policy can be overwritten