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Creating application

Base code example

This`s the base code snippet to start working with the framework. Create BoostApp object, set configuration for an app and run it.

# Creating `BoostApp` object

from temporal_boost import BoostApp, BoostLoggerConfig, BoostOTLPConfig

app: BoostApp = BoostApp(
    name="BoostApp example", # Name of the service
    temporal_endpoint="localhost:7233", # Temporal endpoint
    temporal_namespace="default", # Temporal namespace
        bind_extra={"foo": "bar",},
    use_pydantic=True # Use special JSON serializer inside Temporal SDK


BoostLoggerConfig is an object with setting for internal logger, based on loguru. There are the description:

Logs output. Can be io object of filename

sink: typing.TextIO = sys.stdout

Log severity

level: str = "DEBUG"

Internal seriallizer for logs

json: bool = True

We use internal formatter, but ypu can provide anyone

formatter: typing.Callable | str = _default_json_formatter

Enqueue mode of loguru. Use it in async and muliprocess apps

multiprocess_safe: bool = True

Dict, that you can fill with anythind you want. It`ll be added to extra field of log format

bind_extra: dict | None = None


Similar to BoostLoggerConfig, BoostOTLPConfig is an object with setting for OTLP tracer. This tracer will be provided for original Tempral SDK tracer too.

OTLP collector endpoint

otlp_endpoint: str

OTLP service name

service_name: str | None = None

Adding temporal workers

For adding worker to the app, you should use add_worker method. There are arguments for it:

def add_worker(
    worker_name: str,
    task_queue: str,
    workflows: list = [],
    activities: list = [],
    cron_schedule: str | None = None,
    cron_runner: typing.Coroutine | None = None,
    metrics_endpoint: str | None = None,
    description: str = "",
) -> None:
Name of the worker. Should be unique for the app and non-matching with TemporalBoost system worker names

There some prohibited worker name, which are using for system purposes

  • all
  • internal

worker_name: str

Task queue, there activities and workflows of this worker will`be registered.

task_queue: str

List of workflows for this worker, defaults to []

workflows: list = []

List of activities for this worker, defaults to []

activities: list = []

Cron schedule string, if you want to create cron worker, ex * * * * *

cron_schedule: str | None = None

Workflow run method, which will be executed, if you created cron worker. Required, if cron_schedule is not None

cron_runner: typing.Coroutine | None = None

Prometheus metrics endpoint for this worker. Should looks like

metrics_endpoint: str | None = None

Non-nessesary description for the worker

description: str = ""


    description="This workers serves activity my_activity on my_queue_1 and metrics endpoint"
    description="This workers serves workflow MyWorkflow on my_queue_2"
    description="This workers serves workflow MyWorkflow3 and activity my_activity2 on my_queue_3"

Adding CRON workers

To execute some workflow with cron schedule, create cron worker like this:

    cron_schedule="* * * * *"

About arguments

Here, cron_runner is a corutine, which will be started with cron_schedule

Adding internal worker

Now, internal worker can be used for autogenerated documentation for Temporal objects

In future, opportunities of this object will be expanded

app.add_internal_worker("", 8888, doc_endpoint="/doc")

Now, go to http://localhost:8888/doc and use autogenerated documentation for workers, workflows, activities and other temporal objects.

This documentation as a prototype in Alpha version

doc screenshot

Adding ASGI workers

To add FastAPI application as an ASGI worker to your application at first you should add something like this:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Response

fastapi_app: FastAPI = FastAPI(docs_url="/doc")

Now, you can add it to Temporal-boost application:

app.add_asgi_worker("asgi_worker", fastapi_app, "", 8000)

This application will be executed with Hypercorn + Trio in asyncio runtime